Monday 26 November 2012

Hulk #272 - Al Milgrom Art

This comic scared the shit out of me when I read it camping one year when I was a kid. The Wendigo is a scary monster! Luckily Hulk and Sasquatch kick the shit out of him to save the day. Great finishing move boys.

The Incredible Hulk #272 - Marvel Comics (1982)
You can still pick this comic up for cheap if you can find it (you won't, well maybe).

1 comment:


    It scared the piss out of me, too. I must have been around 13 or so and quasi-roughing it up in the mountains of Northern California.

    The dead body in the cabin, then the look in Banner's eyes when he sees the Wendigo standing outside the doorway were pure suspense and terror. Once I saw that the Wendigo was able to pierce the Hulk's skin, I feared for the Jade Giant's life. Thankfully, Langkowski showed up and helped save the day.

    The art complimented the dark tone of the story perfectly. One of The Incredible Hulk's finest issues. And there have been many fine ones. A must-read.
